Super 8 Review
The film Super 8 a collaboration between J.J Abrams and Steven Spielberg in my opinion was a very entertaining movie due to the fact of its computer graphics and special effects. The characters were all delightful and the story slowly unfolded, letting our curiosity build as we tried to figure out why people were acting as they were and what was going on as things proceeded.
The film begins in a small town in Ohio in 1979 it was about a group of teens filming a zombie movie at an abandoned train station where it just so happened that a train was passing by where ‘Charles’ the director of this film thought that it was of great production value towards the film however they happened to film a train crash, which happened to contain secret us air force property. After the train crash mysterious things started too happened around the local town which was the main focus throughout the remaining part of the movie.
Super 8 could be categorized as a sci fi adventure due to it having an extra- terrestrial character and special effects. The film is intense throughout and is made even more intense at the end when the audience gets to see what the alien/creature looks like.
The audience are constantly jumping out of there chairs and biting there nails due to the twists and turn off events throughout the movie. The movie builds up suspension as they are not aware of what is going on as they only get to see the alien right at the end. The movie not only deals with the suspense and thrills, but also strives to develop the main characters’ inner struggles, whether it’s dealing with loss, strained relationships, friendships and that first crush between Joe and Alice.
The soundtracks within the movie super 8 built up a lot of the suspension within the movie as they were a key indication to how the twist of events would turn and also showed an insight to what was happening. Personally I liked the soundtracks as I thought they went well with the movie. They were very catchy and played important roles within the movie
This film was not a let down as due to having high expectations due to the fact that Steven Spielberg played a role in producing the movie, The film doesn’t disappoint and kept the audience on the edge of their seat.
The film allowed you to connect with the characters real well and the humour was quite hilarious
I especially enjoyed the dialog between the kids as it seemed very natural, I think that this movie wasn’t intended to be an ET Remake but instead JJ Abrams seem to be trying to make a tribute to Spielberg’s classic style.
Overall I thought that super 8 was a fantastic film as the graphics were amazing and the storyline behind it was quite meaningful and the way that Joe’s family was portrayed a lot of people can relate to those circumstances (single parent family). I would rate this film 7 out of 10 purely because it was a heart felt movie and had a lot of twist and turns, the reason it never got rated higher was because I didn’t like how the movie ended as it left many unanswered questions.
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